How to Get Verified on Instagram in 2020. Verified Blue Badges

How to Get Verified on Instagram in 2019. Verified Badges.
How to Get Verified on Instagram in 2019. Verified Badges.

Instagram is offering details about what it takes to get that (desired) blue badge. It’s also allowing users to request verification themselves on the Instagram app. Here’s how to do it and why getting verified is worth your time.

Let’s look first at the basics.

What is a verified badge?

A verified blue badge is a check that appears next to an Instagram account’s name in search and on the profile. This option means Instagram has confirmed that your account is the authentic presence of the public figure, celebrity or global brand it represents.

How to Get Verified on Instagram in 2019. Verified Badges
How to Get Verified on Instagram in 2019. Verified Blue Badges.

Recap: right now, only some public figures, celebrities, and brands have verified badges. For these accounts, it does not matter the number of followers. You can request a verification badge if you think you deserved it.

It’s actually very simple to request Instagram verification. You will find out the instructions below.

What are the requirements to apply and get verified on Instagram?

Instagram looks at a number of factors when evaluating the accounts to determine if they are in the public interest and meet their verification criteria. In addition to following Instagram’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines, your account also needs to be:

  • Be authentic: Your account must represent a real person, registered business or entity.
  • Unique: must be the unique presence of the person or business it represents. Only one account per person or business may be verified, with exceptions for language-specific accounts. They don’t verify general interest accounts (example: @memesaccount).
  • Be public: Your account must be public and have a bio, profile photo, and at least one post. Your profile can’t contain «add me» links to other social media services.
  • Be notable: Your account must represent a well-known, highly searched for person, brand or entity. Instagram reviews accounts that are featured in multiple news sources, and they don’t consider paid or promotional content as sources for review.
  • If you provide false information during the verification process, they will remove your verified blue badge and may take additional action to delete your account.
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How do you request a verified badge for your profile?

To request a verified blue badge follow the instructions:

  • Go to your Instagram profile and tap the three lines at the top right-hand side of the screen.
  • Tap on settings, then select Account from the settings menu.
  • Scroll down through the account settings until you see Request verification. Tap it.
  • Enter your full name according to your identification (for example government-issued photo ID).
  • Tap Choose File to attach a photo of your ID. For a person: driver’s license, passport, or national ID card. For a business: any official business document such as a tax filing, article of incorporation, or even a recent electrical bill.

How to set up a business account on Instagram

  • Keep in mind that even if your account is eligible for verification, submitting a request doesn’t guarantee that your account will be verified.

What happens after you apply for a verified blue badge?

Once they review your request, you’ll receive a notification letting you know if your account has been verified or not. If your request is denied, you can submit a new request after 30 days.

Keep in mind that Instagram can remove verified badges at any time, and may take away your badge or disable your account if you:

  • Advertise, transfer or sell your verified badge.
  • Use your profile picture, bio or name section to promote other services.
  • Attempt to verify your account through a third party.

Others ways to ‘get verified’ on Instagram

If your account doesn’t have a verified badge, there are other ways to let people know you’re authentic. For example, you can link to your Instagram account from your official website, Facebook Page, YouTube or Twitter account.

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  1. Good piece, But this guy «norrezio» on IG got my boss verified on Insagram

    1. Hey

      There is not a minimum! It dependes how relevant is the account such as famous bloggers, branded companies, etc.

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